CaregivingtechCounty Executive Robert P. Astorino today invited caregivers to a free educational program entitled "Keep Your Loved Ones Safe: The Value of Technology," which will take place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Friday, February 26, at the White Plains Library, Conference Room B, 100 Martine Ave., White Plains.

Registration is requested, but walk-ins are welcome. To sign up, please email or call (914) 813-6300.

"This is a great opportunity for caregivers to learn how to use technology and keep their loved ones safe," Astorino said. "With today's advancing technologies, there are so many new ways to improve the quality of life for both caregivers and patients."

Panelists will include:
• Kristen Bonistall and Patricia Gaston, Alzheimer's Association Hudson Valley Chapter
• Kerry Mills, Engaging Alzheimers, LLC
• Mark Britton, TellaBoomer Telecare Services
• Sergeant Amery Bernhardt, Project Lifesaver

This program is sponsored by the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services; Alzheimer's Association; Livable Communities; and the Westchester Public Private Partnership.